add resume to linkedin
upload resume to LinkedIn

Are you looking to boost your professional profile? If you're on LinkedIn, one of the best ways to stand out from the crowd is to upload a resume to your profile. 

Adding a resume to your LinkedIn profile is simple and can instantly improve your visibility to potential employers and recruiters. 

Step-by-Step Guide on how to add resume to Linkedin with pics

1. Click on Linkedin to log in to Linkedin

Login to Linkedin
Login to Linkedin

once you are logged in to Linkedin on the top right side you will find your small rounded profile picture with me written below it.

2. Click on me icon

me icon on Linkedin while uploading resume to linkedin

once you have clicked me button you will see a dropdown

3. Click on the Settings and Privacy button in dropdown

step 3 to upload resume to linkedin in 2023
Setting and privacy button

Now you will be redirected to the settings and privacy page. 

4. Click on Data privacy section 

step 4 to upload resume to linkedin

Now time to scroll down till you see Job seeking preference section. In job seeking preference section you will find job application settings  

5. Click on the Job application settings 

job application settings linkedin
visit job application settings to add resume to Linkedin

6. click on upload resume button

upload resume button Linkedin

We have also created a video with step by step guide to upload resume to Linkedin

Shortcut to add resume

yes, there is a shortcut as well.

1. Visit  Application Settings  on Linkedin by clicking on

2. click on the upload resume button below the manage resume section

shortcut to upload resume on Linkedin

3. choose the file and add your resume to Linkedin.

Once you have added your resume to LinkedIn, you will have a comprehensive professional profile that will help you to stand out to employers and recruiters. 

You can also use LinkedIn as a platform to network with other professionals, grow your professional contacts, and explore job opportunities. With your resume on LinkedIn, you are well on your way to success in your professional career.

In case you have uploaded the wrong resume or you want to change your resume here is how you can delete resume on Linkedin